Affiliate Link Disclosure

Hi everyone,

I want to be sure you know that with using Linkdeli some of the links on my blog may or may not be an affiliated link.

There is no extra cost to you for clicking on the links and it does not in any way add a cost or make prices higher for you when you do purchase something.

It will, however, provide me with a few earnings for taking you to their site to purchase. This enables me to pay for my children's curriculum or take them on fun field trips... and best yet helps me pay for my crafting habit.

All the views and recommendations are true to how I feel about the products and are my own. I would never, ever say something nice about a product that I thought was garbage. Some companies do send me free or discounted product for me to promote them. But I would not be on any design team or put a product on my blog for anyone that I do not believe in with my whole heart.

Thanks for the support and understanding
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